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alkaline soil 含堿土壤。

alkaline-earth metals

Based on the waste residue continuing to use the theory of pure gypsum as amendment in improving alkaline soil establish a plan that with saving resources , water and with better effect and rapid speed . reach on the effect of the same - ion effect and salt effect of nacl in course of improving the alkaline soil . then after the certain amount of gypsum for exertion is decided , compare the effect of exertion of waste residue for one time with for more than one time 首先比較煤煙脫硫廢渣與化學純石膏改良的物理化學過程的異同,在廢渣基本上可以沿用純石膏改良的理論基礎上,在一定的計劃改良深度內,定量的石膏施用方法的情況下,建立一個省石膏,省水,省工,效果好,速度快的方案;同時研究了nacl的鹽效應和na _ 2so _ 4的同離子效應在純石膏改良堿土過程中起到的作用;最后針對石膏施用量確定之后,一次施入還是分次施入更好,進行了探討;結合當地耕作條件,總結各有利的技術措施,指導田間的生產實際。

Because of natural environment of drought 、 wind and sand as well as saline and alkaline soil , etc . , the original ecological balance is destroyed meanwhile , vulnerable ecological environment and unique landscape pattern are formed under blind reclamation and irrational using water resource in continental river basin in arid zone 干旱區內陸河流域因其干旱、風沙及鹽堿的自然環境,加之盲目開墾荒地、不合理利用水資源等人為因素的影響,改變了原有的生態平衡,形成了脆弱的生態環境和特殊的景觀格局。

Mixed salt - alkaline stress was different from simple saline stress , such as nacl stress , or simple alkaline stress in damaging to crops . the composition of mixed salt - alkaline was more closed to natural salt - alkaline soil , so that this research can contribute to improve the salt - alkaline soil 混合鹽堿脅迫對作物的傷害不同于nacl等單純鹽或堿的脅迫,并且從鹽分組成上也更符合天然鹽堿地的實際情況,因此本項研究結果除了具有理論價值外還可為鹽堿地的科學治理提供理論依據。

Abstract : because of natural environment of drought 、 wind and sand as well as saline and alkaline soil , etc . , the original ecological balance is destroyed meanwhile , vulnerable ecological environment and unique landscape pattern are formed under blind reclamation and irrational using water resource in continental river basin in arid zone 文摘:干旱區內陸河流域因其干旱、風沙及鹽堿的自然環境,加之盲目開墾荒地、不合理利用水資源等人為因素的影響,改變了原有的生態平衡,形成了脆弱的生態環境和特殊的景觀格局。

The altitude variation of the distribution of the different malus species in china reaches nearly 4000 meters , and they grow on various types of soil , even on desert , alkaline soil and on overhanging rocks and steep cliffs 在我國,蘋果屬植物不同種類分布的生境差異極大,生長的海拔范圍差異近4000米,能生長在各種不同類型的土壤上,甚至沙漠、鹽堿地到懸崖峭壁上都能生長。

Garden hydrangeas ' color can be manipulated with the soil ph . pink and red hydrangeas turn blue and purple in acid soils , while blue hydrangeas turn pink in alkaline soils 庭院八仙花屬的顏色可以指示土壤的ph值。粉紅和紅色的八仙花轉變成藍色和紫色表示酸性土壤,而藍色的八仙花轉變成粉紅色則表示在堿性土壤。

The formation of salt - alkaline soil included salinization and alkalinization . the increase of salinity was the character of salinization , and the increase of ph was the character of alkalinization 土壤的鹽堿化即包括土壤的鹽化又包括土壤的堿化,鹽化以上壤鹽度升高為特征,堿化以土壤ph升高為特征。

Jiaoyulu , united people in lankao in disaster , fought against sandstorm and saline - alkaline soil until the last minute in his life 焦裕祿,將災難中的蘭考人民緊緊團結起來,與風沙鹽堿戰斗到生命最后一刻。

Mountains and ridges of rough lava are furrowed with narrow valleys of alkaline soil sheltering a few grasses and shrubs 在熔巖形成的山脈和山脊間,狹窄山谷內的鹼性土壤上零星散布著草叢和灌木。

3 . the two species are suitable for growing in the cool , moist habitat with alkaline soil and sensitive to water 兩物種適宜生長在陰涼、濕潤、略呈堿性的土壤中,對水分因子特別敏感。

Benefits of surrounding low - lying paddy fields with dykes on transforming coastal saline - alkaline soil 匡圩封閉排水改造濱海鹽堿土的效益分析

Effect of the different measures on the improvement of alkaline soil in kangping county 不同措施對康平草甸堿土改良效果的研究

How to use and arrange pomegranate trees in landscape treeorchards located on alkaline soil 石榴在鹽堿地園林綠化中的應用

Effect of different applying methods on improving alkaline soils with gypsum 石膏不同施用方法改良堿化土壤效果淺析

Improvement of soda - typed saline - alkaline soil in western jilin province 吉林省西部蘇打鹽堿土改良研究